"Do you know how weird it is being the same age as ___ people?" (senior) --BS FB poster, 03/21/22
Part of the Bible not "new" (initials) --abbreviatiions.com
Bordered by ID on the east --google.com/maps
Immediately precedes nu in the Greek alphabet --Wikipedia
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (initials) --Wikipedia
Directions other than W and N
Raised platform --merriam-webster.com
Superseded data storage format (initials) --Wikipedia
"Strong is brave and ready . . . to die when you time comes, and not when it's wanted by someone else . . . ." --________ in address to US Congress, 03/16/22. (last name) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com/, 03/16/22
Not yet scheduled (initials)
Born c. 373 AD, enslaved at 16. After priest-training in France, brought Christianity to his native land (abbreviated title, first name--2 words) --bbc.com/travel/article/20140304
Gas brand in CA, OR and WA --Wikipedia
"I could not be more at one with nature. I do _________ every year." (music festival) --buzzfeed.com/abhaahad/schitts-creek-david-rose-quotes, #40
Independent Consultant --abbreviations.com
Satirist Andy Borowtiz, 03/14/22 "New Yorker": "Trump Offers to Help Russia File for __________. 'It is scary the first time you do it, but once you’ve done it five or six times it’s the easiest and most beautiful thing in the world.'" (insolvency)
Tweet rebuttal to claim Trump was "hard on Putin": "The way Trump sold out NATO, Putin would be on the Rhine by now if the Tangerine Palpatine had succeeded in his attempted ____." (overthrow) --queerty.com/eric-trump-proves-theres-nothing-lonelier-unloved-son-wannabe-dictator-20220315
Manning or Whitney --verywellfamily.com/***-name-meaning-origin-popularity-5181602#toc-famous-people-named-***
Third person form of "am"
Alphabetical vowel sequence
Time marker between MIN and DAY
In the Twilight Zone our state leaders inhabit, the real urgency is not in protecting the lives of 2M people living in more than 912,000 condominium units that are at least 30 years old. More important is to fight ____, "woke" teachers and corporate diversity. (reading material) --Editorial board, "Miami Herald," 03/16/22
Between IA and IN --google.com/maps
Ex-Secy of Educ. Betsy and Richard _____ own 10 yachts. (last name) --latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-*****-yacht-damages-20180726-story.html
Time On Mission --abbreviations.com
Operating System --abbreviations.com
Name of new metal doggie doo container, complete with photo of namesake ( 2 words) --FB photo, 03/13/22
Community (adj.) --lexico.com
T-shirt saying: "No One Cares That You're ________" (upset) --google.com/search?q=t+shirt+no+one+cares+that+you%27re+offended&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS850US850&sxsrf=APq-WBsPuAsbjQGsixhat5oCiYqNRlpx1A%3A1647206533476&ei=hWAuYpffHJHNkPIPgMCW6A4&ved=0ahUKEwjXtbLCgsT2AhWRJkQIHQCgBe0Q4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=t+shirt+no+one+cares+that+you%27re+offended&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BQgAEIAEOgYIABAWEB46CAghEBYQHRAeOgUIIRCrAjoFCCEQoAFKBAhBGABKBAhGGABQwAdYsSpgojtoAXABeACAAaQBiAGgFZIBBDAuMjGYAQCgAQHIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz#oshopproduct=vc:17347993101601446724,vsc:5772843114914855849,oid:9637768966727775490,pvt:a&oshop=apv
Alphabetical vowel sequence
If ___________ was a military catastrophe for Russia with 15,000 of their soldiers killed over 10 years, what do they call at least 7,000 dead in 3 weeks? (nation) --msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/estimated-russian-casualties-put-ukraine-war-in-category-of-catastrophe-135656005789?cid=sm_fb_maddow&fbclid=IwAR0qinQVfUsfaGgqFKZeo67gqa5w9HewO-pjmuArpAV9Loxvb5Gi72V9dC4
Organization, establishment (abbrev.) --lexico.com
Root Cause Analysis (initials) --parsable.com
A lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density and high strength, resistant to corrosion in sea water, aqua regia, and chlorine. Named after the Titans of Greek mythology. (abbrev.) --Wikipedia
As a name it means night, beauty or dark beauty. --Wikipedia
Falsifier, perjurer --lexico.com
Trump nickname bestowed by Jimmie Kimmel (1 of many): Darth ___ Evader (levy) --lastnighton.com/2021/01/24/jimmy-kimmel-donald-trump-nicknames/
Bond holding --washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/daily/, 03/18/22
Approach, "how you roll" (initials)
It's true that there's a coin shortage. America is out of common _____. (pennies) --BS FB poster, 03/21/22
First Responder (initials)
Constellation marked by a belt --merriam-webster.com
Best pick-up dialogue in a movie ever? 1981's "____ ____", starring William Hurt and Kathleen Turner (2 words)
Metropolitan Area (initials) --abbreviations.com
To deviate from the vertical (as of a vein, fault, or lode) --merriam-webster.com
Its primary role is to convert the information stored in DNA into proteins. --nature.com
Russia seeks military and economic support from _____ to counter worldwide sanctions. (nation) --WaPo, 03/13/22
“The older you get the better you get, unless you are a ______.“ (fruit) – Betty White. --FB, 03/18/22
Russian oligarch Muraviev charged with making $1M worth of illegal donations to politicians in FL, NV, __ and NJ. (state , abbrev.) --Justice Dept. press release, 03/14/22
Agate and ____ are both varieties of layered chalcedony that differ only in the form of the bands. --Wikipedia
AZ to NE direction --google.com/maps
City at mouth of the Mississippi (initials, 2 words)