Similar to DEER, moves south when snow begins to fall
Two hump CAMEL, lives in Central Asia
Big cat, top predator in South America and a good swimmer.
Another close Human cousin, but bigger than CHIMPANZEE and strict vegetarian
It has bad press as dirty, but actually it is clean and smart!
Looks like a bandit in mask
PORCUPINE has many of this on its back
Very playful excellent swimmer - always seems to be smiling
Its QUILLS are poisonous!
One hump CAMEL, lives in Africa
Spends a lot of time in water to keep cool, and it is more dangerous then lion
Has red fur and a reputation that it is smart
Almost blind lives mostly underground
Very hairy cattle cousin lives in Himalayas
Some have one and some have two horns and small brains :(
Very social work together in big groups
Biggest land animal lives in matriarchal groups
Sea kind can float on its back and use rocks to open mussels!
Lives in Australia and can leap 30 feet!
Calls itself Sapiens, i.e. "wise one"