U.S. Rep R-CO tweet: "I identify as ___-________." (not a fan of current president) --queerty.com/lauren-boebert-announces-new-gender-identity-20220218
Misbehave (2 words) --lexico.com
No seats available (initials)
South African people --Wiipedia; last letter in NATO Phonetic Alphabet --worldometers.info/languages/nato-phonetic-alphabet/
Bordered by IA and AR --google.com/maps
Fleshy, ample --collinsdictionary.com
Biden on creating the WH Competition Council: "Capitalism without competition isn’t capitalism; it’s ____________." (manipulation) --heathercoxrichardson.substack.com, 02/15/22; whitehouse.gov/competition/
___ pick, give too much attention to the unimportant --Wikipedia
Government body responding to disasters (initials)
A House oversight panel asks the GSA to consider canceling Trump's Washington _____ lease as its approval, as acknowledged by his own accounting firm, was based on untrustworthy financials. Before this announcement, sale of the pending lease was likely to net Trump a $100M+ profit. (previous historic post office) --nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-oversight-panel-asks-federal-agency-consider-canceling-trump-hotel-n1289268
"If anyone is aware of their memory problems, they do not have _________'_." --Bruno DuBois, director, Paris Hospitals. (progressive disease) --times-gazette.com/story/lifestyle/2021/03/08/tessies-tidbits-earths-population-perspective/6901832002/
First of 5 "W" interview questions
Bridges of Los Angeles County --washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/daily/, 02/18/22
Lincoln starts his political career as a ____, political party started by Henry Calhoun advocating infrastructure, nation building and tariffs. --"Abraham Lincoln: Railsplitter," The History Channel
Tweet to "Gym" Jordan on his 58th birthday: Just reminding you, it's your birthday in case you ______ that too. (failed to recall) --"The Lincoln Project." --queerty.com/jim-jordan-craptastic-birthday-20220217
Ship side sheltered from the wind --lexico.com
If the GOP retakes the House majority, only the brightest conservatives like "Gym" ______ and Matt Gaetz should be considered for Speaker. (last name) --Lou Dobbs, former "Fox News" host. --queerty.com, 02/17/22
The largest urban park in the U.S. (2 words) --gaycities.com/outthere/58038/largest-urban-park-us-may-also-gayest/?utm_source=queerty&utm_medium=directlink&utm_campaign=directlink&utm_content=The+largest+urban+park+in+the+US+may+also+be+the+gayest
"Chorus Line" song (initials) --google.com/search?q=****+and+***+song&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS850US850&sxsrf=APq-WBvP7BGzGdSjC1MvVJkA-uN-zJCmPA%3A1645634285857&ei=7WIWYsXQM-q-kPIP6Pwg&ved=0ahUKEwiF-6a4oZb2AhVqH0QIHWg-CAAQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=tits+and+ass+song&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGAFKBAhGGABQiAhYqhJgzxRoAXAAeACAAVqIAbMDkgEBNZgBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz
Born (Fr.) --translate.google.com/?sl=fr&tl=en&text=nee&op=translate
Political cartoon: "We are not planning an invasion of Ukraine. We are planning some "legitimate political _________." --Putin. (conversation) --gocomics.com/nickanderson/2022/02/07
Fresh, just out
Oscillate, swing
___ Maria, a dark coffee liqueur made originally in Jamaica --Wikipedia
Positioned between WA and CA
On 04/15/1837 he moves to Springfield, the new capital of Illinois, at age 28, exactly the halfway point of his lifetime. (last name) --The History Channel
Fool, dimwit --lexico,.com
"I already want to take a nap ________" (day after today) --BS FB poster, 02/20/22
Ivermectin makes suffering from Covid _____. --peer-reviewed study, "JAMA Internal Medicine". (more unsatisfactory) --boingboing.net/2022/02/19
Assess, appraise --lexico.com
Trump, the first president to have 26 sexual assault allegations, 2 __-_____. (past marriages)
:"The Daily Edge". --Urcela M tweet, 02/15/22
More than 845,000 applications for rescue monies (response to the covid crisis) are suspected of having come from individuals with ______ identities--some of which were funded anyway. (robbed) --WaPo, 02/17/22
Italian river flowing from the Alps to near Venice --Wikipedia
One Way --abbreviations.com
Among other actions, the __ freezes the assets of three wealthy Russian oligarchs following Russia's further invasion into Ukraine. (country, initials) --cnbc.com/2022/02/22/ukraine-crisis-uk-announces-sanctions-on-russian-banks-wealthy-individuals.html
Comment on an action/statement perceived as foolish or stupid --lexico.com
I Give Up --abbreviations.com
Round Trip --abbreviations.com