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Hybrid 2- Surgical Radiography

Mobile digital fluoroscopic system
Patient position for the insertion of a pacemaker
The physician that plans and performs the surgical procedures and makes surgical decisions
Direction head is tilted from the surgical team for a transsphenoid resection of a pituitary tumour
A specially prepared area of the operating room that immediately surrounds the patient
To align two bone fragments in the correct position as treatment for a fracture
A laproscopic procedure where 3 or 4 small incisions are made at the levels of the xiphoid process and the umbilicus to remove the gallbladder
Nurse who dons sterile attire
Radiographs or fluoroscopic visualization can help determine the exact location of...
If a sterile object comes into contact with a non sterile object it must be...
C-Arm orientation with the least exposure to the operator
Protects patient from droplets expelled by personnel
A state of sterility
Procedures include retrograde urogram, ureteral stent placement, stone extraction and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
Covering the image intensifier, X-ray tube and C-arm with sterile cloth and/or bags
The dosimeter is placed outside of the...
Canal in which a rod or nail is inserted to reduce a femur fracture
A procedure to alleviate pain caused by neural impingement
Total hip replacement
Operation mode that reduces dose to the patient
A procedure that involves penetration of body tissues
Nurse who oversees safety of patient and maintains the surgical environment
A device for viewing the abdominal cavity
Demonstration of the technologists level of comfort and ease in the OR
Who provides intraoperative imaging in a variety of examinations