In brown algae, structures equivalent leaves on plants.
One of the three domains of living organisms, recognized as the oldest liviving organisms on earch; are prokaryotes and unicellular.
A complex carbohydratethat gives pants their hardness and structure.
A marine plant that lives entriely underwater.
In taxonomy, agroup of similar phyla or divisions.
Domain of prokaryotes consisting of primitive organisms noted for being extremophiles.
A loose, non scientific term fro aquatic organisms that can produce carbohydrate by photosynthesis.
A majore taxonomic group into which animals are divided, made up of several classes.
A taxonomic classificarion made up of related families organisms.
A marine plant that lives parially submerged with its roots underwater and leaves and branches above water.
A major category in the taxonomic classification of related organisms, comprising a goup of orders.
A catergory in the taxonomic classification of related organisms, comprising one more species.
A mixtureof science of taxonomy, internet technology, computer engineering an global patnership on the identification and cataloging of new and existing species.
Stem-like structure that supports algae but lacks the vascular system found in plants.
Oraganelles (structures) within cells used in photosynthesis.
A typically used common name for many larger species of brown alga in the phylum Phaeophyta; charcterized by having holdfast, stipes, blades and pnuematocysts.
Long, slender branching treads of a cell bodyused to catch food and provide locomotion in unicellular, amoboid-type organisms.